Tuesday 25 January 2011

This is my entry for the 'Penguin Design Award'. I decided from the beginning of the project to create a mixed media piece for the book 100 years of solitude. Im not entirely sure why I chose a mixed media piece but I think by reading the book it came across at so many different levels that I chose the route to have different layers. I used a very simple technique on the left hand side of the illustration using only a line drawing and not removing the fine liner from the page. On the right of the illustration I chose to use another simple technique and dabbed ink onto the page and then using an art straw blew the ink around the page to create some form of tree. I combined the two of them on photoshop adding and subtracting different parts so they merged in together well. I then added the typography to fit with the illustration. The typeface I chose to use is called Champaign and Limousines. I think it really works well because of the simplicity of it mixed with the complex illustration really ties it all in together.

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