Thursday 12 January 2012

AD207- Work Based

For AD207 work based learning I have decided to do a live brief for the magazine cover of little white lies. The live brief is from D&AD and is running throughout 2012 and the deadline is Friday 9th March. The brief is to create a magazine cover depicting the main character from one of the top five films in 2011. The films that I have to look at include Drive, Black Swan, The Tree of Life, Super 8 and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I will have to do some research into these five films and get some general knowledge of the film as well as getting a character profile of the main characters in the films. 

Looking at the images above which are previous magazine covers for the Little White Lies magazine and  most of them seem to stick the same guide lines. The covers above are nearly all the same with facial shots of the main characters portrayed in an illustration. Some of the illustrations are a lot simpler than others with the first image uploaded being mixed media and the last being a very detailed pencil lined portrait. The fact that there are so many different previous outcomes that are made from entirely different medias really excites me and the fact that the project is basically open to all aspects. 

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