Monday 15 November 2010


This logo is Typography based but I do think the large letter ‘M’ seems to make the logo look like it is symbolic rather than a complete typographic piece. In my opinion I would class a design like this as a combination mark as it does use both typography and symbolic pieces. I think the typography in this design has been manipulated to make the logo look more current and up to date with the tight design on the letter ‘M’ and the very scratchy, soft ‘TV’. I think the target audience for MTV is the local population aged 16-34 or they’re about. I think that obviously the logo would have to match the target audience of the programme so that the viewers would immediately correspond the logo with the program. I think for this particular age group the logo would have to be trendy and cool and I think the designer has created a perfect example. There are three different typefaces used in this design which I think has completely bent the rules as normally I would say that two typefaces were more than enough and use one for the main body of text and one for the smaller print when thinking about the hierarchy of information. Personally I really like the typeface used in the TV part of the logo as it is really modern and ‘street’ and I think that immediately looking at that typeface you know it has to do with music. I think the idea of this logo is to be really modern and up to date and I think it really does work. I think the idea is to be as simple as possible but to be really careful, as you don’t want the logo to be left ‘undressed’. The colours used are white and black. The colour of the logo is changed depending on the situation and where it is placed, however a lot of the time the logo is put in black so it stays simple and modest. I think the logo does really work in black but because of the simplicity it could also work in any colour! I think the logo is very successful and I think it all looks very well put together and I really like the placing of the typography. The only thing I would think about changing would be the typography underneath the main logo as I think that it just looks like its floating and doesn’t really have a specific placement on the page.

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