Saturday 6 November 2010

Student Union Final Piece

Student Union
I really enjoyed working to a target audience of my own age. I think this helped a lot as I would be able to look at a design and immediately decide if I like it and if I think it works. However i do think the project seemed to drag a little bit and felt like it lasted a while. When looking for a typeface that would suite my design I encountered quite a few problems as i couldn't quite find one that fit as well as i wanted. In the end i decided to make my own font and made it exactly how I wanted it. In the group 'Crit's' I did take some criticism and I do understand that the typography is quite hard to read however this is the idea I was going for in my design and I think with a simple typeface it would have simplified the whole poster and the image that I was looking for wouldn't have worked as well. I think creating the illustrations really did work well as I had so much fun messing around with colours and the size of the strokes etc. I think the hardest part of the whole design was the arrangement of the typography and still i don't think its set up perfect. I finally learnt how to make my own typography in this project, i think i will use this a lot more now and try and create my own individual type each time i use it. I think i worked really well throughout the project and my time management worked out really well and i set it all out so i had enough time for each section of the project i.e. Research, Development etc.

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