Sunday 5 February 2012

My business card ideas…

 I really like the style I have chosen to work with for my business card. I think it could really work well when incorporating a textured background as it makes the car look a little more luxurious and gives an immediate effect.

The logo that I have placed on the business cards will be cut out of the card so this will also make the card more luxurious however it will increase the price that it will cost to get my card out to print but I think it would be worth it when first meeting the ‘real world of design’ as I want to give a good effect.

I am not too sure on the layout of my business cards and the layout of the typography on them because I think I need to consider what type I want on my card and what type I am planning on leaving out. The presentations featured earlier in this file have made me consider that I don’t want to put my home address on my card because I don’t think its necessary. I only need to consider if I am going to put on my twitter account or if I am going to leave that out. I think my website, email, name and title would work just as well, and if I was going to put a contact me page on my website I could also possibly leave out my email address.

I really like the placing of the type on the bottom business card as I think the box shape text doesn’t work as well as it does when set out into two lines. I will have to consider the hierarchy of information when using colours and bold, italics etc. I think using colours to pick out the main focal points works really well so I will consider using that technique. 


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