Friday 22 October 2010

The Muse

The Muse, Venice, California

This type of poster is completely illustration based. Even though there is text in the design it has been put in in such a style that is created a beautiful visual. The use of colour in the poster really sets off the mood and the pastel tones create a great textured look against the strong black ink work. I love the fact the design is made by mixed media, as this medium seems to be disappearing again and not as many posters lately are seen in mixed media form. The Hierarchy of the design is set up so that the black on the poster is the main image and I think this works very well. The black design seems to be a total different image and I normally wouldn’t like a design to do this but it seems like its floating in the page and looks lost and some how works! Obviously the main focal point of the poster is the black image, shortly followed by the ‘Venice, California’ Writing in black, and then I think the darker tones of colour so the oranges and reds, then the pinks and then finally the yellows. I think this is a great idea to portray the focal points by using colour to set away the main points of the image and then to set back the points use a subtle tone that sorts to blend with the background colour. The layout of the design works really well with the main tones in the middle and the main colours on the outside so they don’t mix in with the most important features. I think the target audience for this design are couples in mid 20’s early 30’s wanting to visit Venice on a romantic break. The idea behind the design is that the town of Venice is really soft, subtle and calm. I think the black design shows the culture of the county and the poster seems so obvious and straight to the point. Personally I think the poster is a beautiful design with a lot of good illustrations mixed in. 

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