Tuesday 12 April 2011


D&AD is a design website full of different live briefs given out to students in all HND or Degree like courses. D&AD - home of the talented and skilled, the imaginative and the curious, the restless and the bloody- minded. Commercially savvy, sometimes romantic, often cynical and occasionally rather weird. A source of information and ideas: of professional development, support and inspiration, interesting people to talk and nice things to look at. All creative life is here. This is what D&AD describe themselves as. I think the statement shows that they are very hard working, busy and thrive from Graphic Design. Some of the briefs that are up at the minute really attract my attention. I really like the idea of designing a contemporary packaging range for the body shop. I think it would be really nice to look about at packaging and see what is contemporary at the minute. I may look at this brief in more depth and see what comes of it. Their is also a brief going live from the company 'The Partners'. This is to rebrand the company and design a new corporate identity. I think I will look further into this brief and start up a few initial scamps for a logo and see what comes of it. D&AD have also offered a typography brief that I am immediately interested in. Its to design new typography for the Windows Phone Seven and I think it would be a brilliant brief to work with because of the relevance to my course. 

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