Tuesday 12 April 2011

YCN - Online Briefs.

YCN are an agency that specialize in bringing new, young graphic designers up in the world and getting them ready for the big world of work. They say their website is full of 'A collection of live creative briefs presenting a range of modern communication challenges across all media'. I think their is a lot of brilliant design briefs on this website, some a lot better than others. One of which that stood out for me is to rebrand the boost energy drink. I think it would be very exciting as the word boost in itself throws off so many different ideas. Something else that really gets my attention on the website is to design a creative visual for the marks and spencer Plan A campaign and develop campaign elements to bring your identity to life. I think this would be really good to work on as designing corporate identities for such big brands like this one will really push me to my highest point. Also because their is so much other branding for marks and spencer, it wont be as hard to find the target audience and what the director of the business likes to see on their packaging etc.

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