Wednesday 2 February 2011

50 Years of Helvetica...

Helvetica has been around for many years. It was first developed in 1957 and has not been around for many years.

The first image I chose to review is the top left. I chose this image as I think its very effective with the two strong colours and the way the typeface looks as if its being held up by people works really well and its very easy to see even if the design is just in a simplistic colour pallet. 

The second design I chose to look at is the very pixelated illustration of a man, top right. I think this illustration works well because of the change in time showing an image in a modern world from a very dated pixelated age. Once again the colour pallet is kept very simple just using tones of the blue. 

The third image I chose to look at is of the woman with the paintings/posters around her. I think its quite a successful image and I think it works really well with the simplicity of the illustration contrasted with the bold colour pallet. I don't think it works as well as the other images as it just doesn't seem to stand out from the rest of them. 

I absolutely love this illustration. I think this is the most successful illustration out of them all with the fine detail made by the fine liners and the way they have been coloured only using water to mix with the black of the fine liner.

I think this design is very creative. I think it works really well with the white on black text and really makes them words stand out from all of the rest. I think the 'Love Design' type works quite well but i still don't think it works as good as  the top text but that is a good way of showing the hierarchy of information.

Candy Collective.

The site is very easy to navigate. I think its quite successful when wanting to look at the work of the 50 years of helvetica as its very easy and simple. I think it looks really attractive with the simple three colour pallet and it makes the hierarchy of information easy to see. Obviously with the white being the main focal point and then the smaller black text behind it. I think the website is very successful and it looks really correct.

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