Friday 4 February 2011

Typography Blogs.

Friends of Type.

I really love this blog. I think its very useful because it shows a technique that I never thought would be as successful as it is. I think the use of hand rendered text in the current market works really well and the way the main focal points have been brought out with the red pen works well. I think the article about Jeff Rogers' work is really useful because it shows different techniques coming to use and mediums that once was frowned upon in the graphic design industry. 

I Love Typography.

I think this article is really useful because of how it tells you what they think about producing a typeface and how they use models from other typefaces to create there own individual one. I think this is very useful for when I come to create my own typeface. This article has been very useful as at one stage in the process of working I will have to start creating my own typefaces.

Ministry of Type.

I think this article is quite useful as it tells you all about the use of typography and about the layout. It shows you in images that the layout of the type is very important with the sizing at an ample importance. The article shows a lot about composition of the type, exposed structure and flow. 

Form Fifty Five.

I think this blog really is quite useful because it has showed me that the typography is sometimes printed all over the world. I think the typeface has to be very legible because its printed on t-shirts etc.

Thinking with Type

This article about Kerning is very useful as it tells you all about what it is, how its used and when to use it. It shows you how to use it on the adobe programs and when and where its been used. I will use this technique a lot in my work when trying to sort out the spacing in my design work. 

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