Thursday 3 February 2011

Typographic Design Companies...


I really like the work of FontSmith. I think this piece in particular is very effective with the way the logo has been set out so the work film is inside of the shape of the number 4. I think the typeface used in the general body of type is really effective being very legible and the colours used with the black and white works well for the hierarchy of information. I think the setup of the bespoke typography in the logo is really effective with the spacing to the left and right of the word 'film' being exactly the same makes it look really effective. 

Dalton Maag.
I think the work of Dalton Maag is amazing. They produce a new typeface for each client that is specifically made to precise details. This particular piece of typography is really nice. I think the 'Galactic' typeface works best with the heavy text at the beginning leading back into the finer size. I think the typography in the middle of the illustration works really well and is now obviously very successful as when its seen it is immediately recognised as the typography for Virgin. I think the whole typeface is incredibly successful and immediately recognisable.

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