Tuesday 15 November 2011

AD206 - Negotiated Project.

For AD206, I was given the opportunity to do something completely on my own and create my own brief and proposal. I decided to complete on of the live briefs from the D&AD briefs and the one I chose was for Ministry of Sound. The brief asks for the designer to create Three posters to advertise 'Saturday Sessions'.

I have started to look in a little bit of research by looking at posters that I think are and are not successful.

What is/isn’t good about this poster?
I dont think this poster is ver succesful because it looks quite boring and doesnt really look like its advertising a nightclub. I think the illustration could do with being changed so its more like a nightclub rather than a form of bridge. The bottom part of the typography is more legible than most of the posters but the name of the poster doesn't really look too good when i runs into the image it starts to get a little bit lost in the illustration. I would personally change the typography so it was in a block at the bottom of the poster and make the illustration bigger so it used more of the page.

What is/isn’t good about this poster?
I really don't like this poster. I think its very hard to read the name of the club and the background of the image doesn't really fit well with the club even thought it's a jungle party I think it looks very gimmicky and looks tacky. I think if I was to create the poster I would make it more professional by perhaps fading the opacity of the animal print and using it as most of the poster and then having all of the text together at the bottom of the page, or the top of the page in its own box.

What is/isn’t good about this poster?
I really dont like this poster. I think that all of the typography is far too much and it is really unlegible. I think the image in the back of the poster really doesn't work very well because of the complexity of it. However the poster is for a techno/trance event so I think that is defiantly something to consider when looking at the poster i will be creating and when genre the music is. If i was to create this poster myself i would once again keep all of the typography together and split it so that the imagery was the main focal point and the typography being in a box of its own. 

What is/isn’t good about this poster?
I really don't like this poster! The colours of the background really make it hard to read the typography and i don't think the illustrations do the event much justice. I think the the logo is in the best place so its more prominent that the rest of the poster but i don't think its very current, or up to date. I think if i was going to re create this poster, i would personally take away the coloured background and have one block colour and if the three colours needed to be used in the design i would consider using them for the typography.

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