Tuesday 15 November 2011

AD206 - Negotiated Project.

Good Posters.

Poster 1.
Why is/isn't the poster successful?
This poster is very successful as it shows exactly what is happening and gives you the times and dates and they are very legible. The colours are very ‘nightclub like’ and the neon really works well. 
What could be done to make the poster better?
The poster could be made better by making the typography at the bottom more prominent by perhaps putting it in a black bock or a faint gray box with the opacity down so that it was more legible and not getting lost behind the picture. This would make the poster easier to read but overall the poster works really well. 

Poster 2.
Why is/isn’t the poster successful?
This poster is successful because of the colours used. I think the oranges and warm tones of the illustration really work well. The typography is very legible as its just a clipping mask of text. I think the free entry marking on the top of the poster is very good as that will be good when attracting people to come to the event.
What could be done to make the poster better?
I think if the main word, ‘edge’, was a little less cleanly cut out it may have worked better as it would have fit with the illustration. I think once again the typography at the bottom could have been made a little bit bigger so it was easier to read when on a po ster.

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