Monday 14 November 2011

AD206 - Negotiated Project. Time Plan.

For my negotiated project, I have given myself a time plan to work with.

Time Plan
W/C – Week Commencing

The Designer will:

W/C Monday 14th November 2011
Research into big clubs all around the world that are as successful or not as successful as ministry of sound.
Research into other posters from the clubs listed above that he has already researched.
Research into the Ministry of Sound, including CD’s, DJ’s, music type, styles, genres and imagery from the club – décor etc.
Look at previous posters form the nightclub ‘Ministry of Sound’. Answer questions on each of them stating if they are successful or not and why.
Look at different typographers and the styles they use. Modern? Retro? Classic?
Look at poster layout, size, and structure.

W/C Monday 21st November 2011
Start to think about initial ideas for posters.
Think about type size, what has to be on poster etc.
Try out different typography styles and see which ones work best.
Then have an ideas critique with peers and tutors.
Choose the style that he is going to set all three posters in.

W/C Monday 28th November 2011           
Start to develop the style that he has chosen to do the three designs in.
Develop one poster further with one particular style then add that style to the other posters.
Print out posters to see how they look when printed.
Be involved in a development critique to get other peoples opinions on his work.

W/C Monday 5th December
Start to bring together the three posters and get them ready for print.
Print all three posters.
Mount to foam board and cut out professionally.
Finally the designer will label and stable his research/development book.

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