Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Partners

The brief is to create a name and a logo design for and art exhibition that travels to different hospitals all cross the UK. I chose this brief as it seemed very appealing as the idea of creating a logo for an art exhibition that will be seen by millions across the country seems very interesting. I initially looked at name generation and came up with two names. One of which being the name I chose and another being the reason why I chose the one I did. Wandering Art was the name I came up with because the art moves around all over the country frequently so I think it work’s really well. I started to get a few initial ideas down on paper and I worked with a few different images before coming up my final illustration that I added to the logo. I used the first letter of each word and tried to keep the movement in them by using a brush stroke through the whole design. I think the illustration has worked really well and I needed to add the name to the design to see how that looked. I added the typography to the illustration and played around with the layout.

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