Thursday 10 May 2012

creating a rapid prototype in Photoshop...

Originally creating my rapid prototype was quite straight forward because I already had my site map and a wire frame that directed me thoroughly in what I wanted to create. However once I had created my first rapid prototype I decided that it didn’t look how I wanted It as it looked a little bit too tacky and didn’t really match with the work that I have produced and the work that I was going to put on my website.

I changed my wireframe but kept my site map the same as I thought it was a good idea to still keep my website as simple as possible as I didn’t want my website to take the main focus away from my work. I tried a few different wire frames that I had produced and came across one that I think works really well.

The wire frame and rapid prototype that I have chosen to work with is a very basic home page with my name and three ‘call to action’ buttons that navigate you down the long page to different parts of my site. I think this wire frame works particularly well because the simplicity is really good and it allows the client to see that my work is clean, fresh and modern. When you scroll down the page the next thing that you see is a slideshow of my work and this will showcase all of the work that I put onto my site and if you click on the individual piece it will take you to a different section of the long page that will then give you information about the work. The information will include a short sentence about the brief, a sentence about how I felt when creating the piece of work and a sentence on how I thought the work turned out.

I think my prototype is really effective and will really help me out when creating my website. 

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