Thursday, 10 May 2012 - Review

Ft designer is another very simple website but is totally different to any of the others. Ft’s portfolio website runs long and thing throughout the whole of one page with sub headings and selection points at the top of the page that will direct you to a specific part of the website. The designer keeps the about me section very short and simple but does give enough information for the client to understand what the designer is into and what his strengths and weaknesses are. The designers work is specifically split up into different sectors including logo design, web deign, animation etc so everything is very easy to read and understand. 

The designer also offers a part of the website that sells downloadable files to use as screen savers and desktop backgrounds and even prints if the client would like to print them. I think this is also a good way of advertising your work for sale and quite a simple little money making scheme. 

The designer includes a specific contact me part of the website that has details on about the designer and gives you some interactivity so it allows you to send an email to the designer directly from his website. I think this is a very important asset to have on your website as it allows the client to immediately start emailing and connecting with the designer.

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